Earlier this weekend I had the opportunity to attend the San Fran Golden Gate Author Event. Of course I was a paying customer and attendee there, not one of the invited authors, but I still had a pleasant time meeting the event coordinators and the accomplished writers in attendance.

(L to R) Me, Nadine Colling, Wes Blalock

Nadine Colling is the creator/coordinator of this annual event. She is absolutely wonderful and was very welcoming to me and my good friend Wes Blalock, who attended the gathering with me. I wish I had a better picture, but sometimes you have to work with what you’ve got.

Although this event was not exactly my genre (the venue was targeted to the Romance genre authors and their devoted fans) it was still a great opportunity to meet some of the many fine writers in the Bay Area.

Me and Charleigh Rose

Some of them were even willing to be seen standing next to me and allowed me to take photographic proof that I was in the same room with them. Charleigh Rose was in attendance and was kind enough to autograph a book for me and pose for a picture. If you are at all interested in romance novels and would like to know a little more about Charleigh and what type of books she writes, you can find her personal website right HERE.

But wait, there was more!

Amo Jones and yours truly

Amo Jones was another talented young writer with the bad sense to stand still long enough for me to sneak in a picture of us. Her novels are also in the romance genre, but with a darker edge to her prose. I think her exact motto was “Words that f*ck you.”

I think I’m in love.

Amo is not exactly a local, having been born in New Zealand. Fortunately for me and the other guests, she came to visit California long enough to say hi and sell a few more books. If you want to check out her web page, you can get there with a quick click HERE.

There were over a dozen more authors to check out at the San Fran event, all of them definitely worth a look and a read, but let me close this out by saying I had a really nice time. If you’re a fan of romance novels in their many formats and styles, I recommend you give this event a look when it returns next year. Or, even if you aren’t exactly a fan, go anyway. The authors are amazing people and don’t mind taking a few (or several) minutes to chat about their writing. You might just discover something new and interesting.